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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: in MS Access, OLE Object Data type can store
  1. Microsoft Word documents
  2. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  3. Sounds
  4. All of the Above

Q2. Ms Access: What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?

  1. One-To-One
  2. Indeterminate
  3. One-To-Many
  4. Many-To-Many
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: A Smart Tag can be set using the _____ tab in the property sheet.

  1. Format
  2. Tag
  3. View
  4. Data
Correct Answer

Q4. To delete a file without allowing it to store in recycle bin

  1. Press Delete key
  2. Press Shift + Delete key
  3. Press Ctrl + Delete key
  4. Press Alt + Delete key
Correct Answer

Q5. Unicode standard is

  1. Keyboard layout
  2. Software
  3. Font
  4. Character encoding system
Correct Answer

Q6. What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is knon as

  1. Car
  2. Bus
  3. Truck
  4. Road
Correct Answer

Q7. Punched cards were first introduced by

  1. Powers
  2. Pascal
  3. Jacquard
  4. Herman Hollerith
Correct Answer

Q8. The BIOS is the abbreviation of ________.

  1. Basic Input Output System
  2. Best Input Output System
  3. Basic Input Output Symbol
  4. Base Input Output System
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection, scroll to the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer at the end of the selection, hold down the _____ key, and then click (or drag through the text).

  1. ctrl
  2. alt
  3. shift
  4. tab
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an)

  1. animation
  2. slide transition
  3. custom animation
  4. preset animation
Correct Answer

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